Friday, March 7, 2008


I'm exhausted again.
Today was a whirlwind of a day. Thankfully I like whirlwind days.
I also like it when whirlwind days are over and my couch is waiting for me, even if it means a cold walk in the rain in between stages.
This site: is excellent, though not for the easily offended. It's a community art project online. People are people, they all have these guts inside that are shaped and beaten and coaxed into shape over time. I look at the teachers and students I work with and remember these secrets-some good, some funny, some sad and some despairing...
What would you put on your postcard?
It would be a secret, so don't tell.
Interesting to think about though, to me at least.

1 comment:

Bill Warrick said...

I like whirlwind days, too. Which I guess is why I was in a grumpy mood yesterday - not enough whirlwind. In fact, there hasn't been for awhile.

Have to go make some, I think. :)

I confess to looking through the postcards at the site you referenced and wondering which of them you put up there!