Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Time for a new book

I'm now reading Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay. It was recommended to me by another ITRT in the county who learned about it through her librarian. Here is a link to the author's website about the book: http://www.brightweavings.com/books/ysabel.htm I haven't read far enough to really explain what it is about. I was looking for something to keep me distracted while I wait for Breaking Dawn (that's a whole lot of reading between now and August). It's like I was telling the fabulous librarian at my school, Lauren, ever since I read the Twilight series, I'm in search of a book or books that will keep me as interested and involved. I'm telling you, those books have voodoo!

The local schools are involved with the regional library system in a program called Cafe Books. The students who participate read from a preset list of books and meet over their lunch periods and/or online and have a chance to share and discuss the books with each other and librarians from the region. Why didn't they have something like that when I was in school? Here is the about page for Cafe Book if you want to see what local teens are reading and rating: http://www.teenspoint.org/schools/cafe_book/index.asp

It's hard for me to read during the week. I try to keep dinner on the table and my sanity in order before falling asleep around 10. Once I start reading, I get lost in the story and time slips away. It's not unusual for me to look at the clock and see that two hours have passed...oops! So I have to avoid it during the week. But it does help me relax at night and if I set a curfew of sorts, I get my sleep. LOL Like you care about that!

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