Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tired of testing

Mr. Chapin's song 'Not on the Test' could probably be interpreted differently by people based on their perspective. Who is at fault for teachers only teacher what is on the test? And if we truly do that, why aren't they passing? I laugh every time I see the video but it's one of those sinister laughs...like I'm seeing something that is so sadly TRUE. I feel like I'm fighting against the tide.
Then I look around at my school and what different classes are doing to prepare. I have to admit that most of the year, they are trying to incorporate thinking skills and creative freedom, but in this last push until testing time we're all about (or maybe should be about) that test! There is one classroom where I see what the kids are doing and have visions of not making AYP b/c of this group of 8th graders. It's going to happen...but what do you do? I guess there are different ways to react to a video like this. Shock! Laughter! Meaningful discussion! Prayer! Empathy! Ignore it all! Part of me is stressed for those 8th graders not reviewing at this point before the test and part of me is like 'whatever!'
Not making AYP is painful for a school and its teachers. Perhaps some of that filters down to the students in the form of more multiple choice practice questions on a daily basis and the students who get pulled for double academics (is more really better?) and miss out on an elective. I don't know!
It's two weeks before our first tests start and it's nauseating! And I don't even teach the kids!
But don't worry...they don't teach it if it's not on the test (wink wink)
Click below to link to a funny standardized testing promotion from Tennessee. It's on Teacher Tube.

I laughed.
And that's good that I laughed because I did a whole heck of a lot of work today and walked about 3 miles in the building (yes, I'm wearing a pedometer!) and didn't leave until after 5 as I had to check on the computers that collapsed with the table in one of our labs...what a day.
Enjoy the laugh!

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